Daily Life: My BFF is Married!

by - Tuesday, May 28, 2013


These past few days, ecah sangat busy menghadiri wedding kawan masa kat UTM dulu...since she is my bestfriend, my fashion advisor, my kaunselor and my everything la in our friendship, ecah stay dari hari nikah sampai lah sanding..sebabnye, dia hire abg gambo jadi OP dia...hahaha

Alah, kalo x ambik abg gambo pon kite kompem stay kt kenduri dia sampai habis tauuuu...ok la, ecah share sikit ye pic, abg gambo x bagi share lagi...kedekut lahaiiiiii...hehe

Solemnization Theme (Blue + White)

Saiyedar + Faaiz (24th May 2013)

ida dah jadi hak milik faaiz...haih...susah la nak kacau ida dah pasni..hehe

so schweettttt....

Reception Theme (Tiffany Blue+Red)

satu jek sempat cilok dr abg gambo..hehe

Ape pon, selamat sudah BFF saye jadi isteri orang...semoga perkahwinan korang dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah..happy2 selalu, cepat2 la dapat baby ye...lintas aku ni pon xpe...bagi la peluang kt korang dulu yang naaaaakkkk sesangat baby kannn..hehe...

Sekian saje..nanti bila ade gambar cantik ecah story lagi..siap boleh promote abg gambo punye service pulakkk...hew hew hew

Be Healthy, Be Happy!


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