cakap kt AMAN WAN, saye pon BENCI kat die

by - Friday, August 19, 2011


hahaha..x aci! x aci! aman wan komen blok si itik kuning tu....alaa..nak jugak..nak abg tembam komen blog saye....hehehe

disebabkan ecah post video tu, nad knal abg tembam..disebabkan die komen blog nad, ecah tau die ade blog jugee...yesh..pasni nk stalk die slalu...x kire...x kire..haha

korang usha la blog si pekomik n pelakon ni....AMAN WAN, abg tembam sudah keluar haaa....hahaha

suke layan vlog die...abg gambo kate mmg ngekek2 la gelak....nk kene subscribe ni..hope die blh wt vlog well as short movie mcm parody iKLan Gangster tu...haha
p/s:eh, blom abes stalk lg blog die..tunggu...nnt saye dtg..lalalala


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  1. untunglaaa... (nak jugak kan) hehehe.

  2. wahhh..untung laaa..amek kau...hahaha

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